LE+Passive offers an extensive range of multidisciplinary services including site development and planning appraisal; full architectural services, engineering design services; energy, environmental & project management services. Our work includes a diverse range of projects including residential new build & restoration, commercial, industrial, medical, dental and educational developments.

LE+Passive is dedicated in incorporating the latest technology and software in our design process. Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology is at the core of the LE+Passive practice work process. We utilise virtual building modelling in all stages of the project to facilitate interaction of all design services and optimise efficiencies in delivery of construction technologies and building energy performance while providing realistic visualisation of the building to the client and the design & build teams.
At LE+Passive sustainable design is at the heart of everything we do. We are dedicated to creating environmentally conscious spaces that provide comfort while also minimising the loads that renewables are required to provide. Our head architect boasts over 25+ years of experience with a strong in depth knowledge of the Irish and UK Planning and Building Regulations, Passiv Haus, Super E, LEED and UK CfSH, long term research and development of 'off site' construction techniques as well as in the low energy and sustainability sector applying both Passive House, Super E and equivalent national performance standards.
LE+Passive has engaged in extensive research and technology development in the MMC [modern methods of construction] and 'off site' prefabrication sectors, working with Irish, European and Canadian research and development organisations. Our research work includes prefabricated low carbon insulating concrete, timber frame and modular construction techniques. Our technology research focuses on improving building performance, minimising embodied carbon and building waste, ensuring site accuracy and quality in the build process and facilitating labour skill training to adopt the new construction technologies.
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Lacken House
Dublin Road
Kilkenny R95 KF34 IRL
UK Address
27 Elmswood Avenue
Manchester M14 7JR
00353 86 412 6454 // 0044 7770 113 156